Toilet cabinet with 2 doors and 1 compartment 03

Toilet cabinet with 2 doors and 1 compartment 03

  • Product code: Tủ vệ sinh 2 cánh 1 khoang 03

Toilet cabinet with 2 doors and 1 compartment 03

Powder-coated iron cabinet with 2 compartments and 2 doors

The cabinet is divided into 2 parts,

Part 2 on the left has 3 fixed hanging compartments, each compartment is 300 high, 300 wide and 450 mm deep.

The right side has a long and empty compartment across the left compartment to hold tool boxes

The 2 wings have 2 towel bars

Cabinet size W 915 D 450 H 1840 reported includes 4 plastic legs 40x40 high

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